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Due to multiple suggestions from parents, we now request that all tutors please leave a recorded lesson for absent students, in addition to a lesson report.

If you already know the student is absent (a member of the SAM team has informed you) then you can start the video right away.

If the student hasn’t turned up and you weren’t informed they are absent, please wait 10 minutes (with your camera and microphone off) and if the student doesn’t show, start the lesson recording and complete the accompanying lesson report within the remaining 20 minutes. If the student does turn up after 10 minutes, just carry on with the lesson as normal.

As a rough guide for the video (10-15 minutes in length), here are a few things that the content should include:

  • Friendly intro saying sorry to hear that the student is unwell / absent
  • Explain from the start what you are going to show them so they can still practice
  • Recap what you had asked them to practice
  • Show briefly what you wanted to cover in that lesson (try to include all the usual parts of a lesson)
    • Warmups
    • Scales
    • Pieces
    • New song
    • Recap
  • Make sure you use screen sharing and good annotation
  • Make sure you use your 2nd camera to demonstrate if appropriate
  • Mention you’ll be adding the resources to the practice folder
  • Also mention you will summarise what you’ve recorded in the lesson report
  • End with hoping they feel better soon and see them next week
  • Feel free to add anything else you can think of!

As an example, please watch this short video which covers all areas that should be included, along with the accompanying lesson report


Any questions please reach out and we will be happy to assist!