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Below is an example of an end of half-term summary report to add to this week’s lesson report, this example is of a guitar student and it should give you an idea of what is expected. Parents will be expecting these and it is very important for student retention.

Well done Joe, it’s been a pleasure teaching you this term!

Over the past few weeks, we have managed to look at more complicated chords and the use of barre shapes. We worked on refining technique, getting more clarity in not only the fretting hand but also picking hand accuracy, both of which have come on amazingly!

We also looked at introducing some more advanced techniques such as string bends and alternate picking. We then applied this to a few songs which we had been working on together and just started preparing for grade 1 Trinity Rock and Pop! 

I look forward to seeing you over the holidays or next half-term for more lessons! Next half-term I would love to look at developing your rhythm playing and to start working on improvisation along with continuing working through the grade book. Again, well done in these lessons, you have picked up everything so quickly and it’s been great teaching you this half-term!

Hope you have a great break,
